Resources & Tips

“When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates.”

SCULPT Season Products

Each season LIFT updates its shop page, recommending new favorite products

SCULPT Season Playlist

SCULPT Season YouTube playlist with 100+ videos from various fitness content creators

Caloric Deficit

"Calories In < Calories Out" is the key principle needed for weight-loss. To determine how many calories you need, read here.


MyFitnessPal is an excellent resource for tracking calories, progress, and staying accountable

Daily Weigh-Ins

Daily weigh-ins are important to track progress and stay accountable. See the smart scale that we recommend.

Frequent Measurements

Frequent progress pictures, tape measurements, etc. are helpful throughout your journey. As you see progress, you will be motivated and excited to continue.

Prioritize Weight Lifting

When dieting, it is important to make sure to maintain muscle mass. Weight lifting will help you maintain, or even build muscle, while losing weight.

LIFT Social Media

Follow our Instagram or Facebook for weekly tips and advice!